Member-only story
This message is for you if you are waiting.
Holding out.
What are you waiting for? And what are you holding out for?
One word: perfect.
You are waiting for the perfect time. The perfect situation. All the pieces of the puzzle to align before you can begin.
You know this is silly. It is not serving your deep needs and desires. But still, you wait.
I am not here to tell you to do otherwise. For to do so, I have learned, is pointless.
The urge, the primordial drive, has to come from you. Deep within your heart. No words I, or anyone else, can offer will grab you by the kahunas and motivate you every single day to chase after what you truly want in life.
So what is one to do? How do you stop waiting and start moving? A good question. Also worth noting here that I have heard this and similar questions many times. 99% of the time, the question asker has no true intention on conquering this “problem”. The asking of a question leads to another and another, all in an attempt to “feel” like you are making some sort of progress.
If you examine the mind, which I urge you to do, you will see this for yourself. Only then will the question have the possibility of leading you to a transformative solution.